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Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_lcapProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Voting_barProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_rcap 
Professor Rubens
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Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_lcapProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Voting_barProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_rcap 
Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_lcapProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Voting_barProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_rcap 
Professor Rubens
Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_lcapProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Voting_barProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_rcap 
Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_lcapProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Voting_barProof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Vote_rcap 

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Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China

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Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China Empty Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China

Mensagem  Admin Qui Jun 02, 2011 1:58 pm

Proof that Weather Modification Exists - Openly Shown on TV in China

Enviado Por HIGHERPOWER101 in 2011/01/06
mais uma prova da modificação do tempo .. tiros ao vivo!

graças ao youtube usuário: sheilaliens

p/u/0/-u-53LOu8zo https://www.youtube.com/user/Sheilaaliens #

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Ciência e Tecnologia
tempo modificação manipulação geo-engenharia tempestade tempestades NEXRAD radar estações EISCAT doppler projeção experimento DOPE superDARN retroespalhamento LIDAR HAARP VLF UHF muito baixa freqüência ultra alta freqüências ULF digissondas matriz antena triangular dipolo XBAND x-band banda RADAR anel anéis cirlce círculos NWSn nacional serviço chemtrail chemtrails quim trilha trilhas nuvem semeadura sementes prata iodeto sal líquido propano seca gelo
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Mensagens : 254
Data de inscrição : 02/05/2011


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